The Dieselgate Scandal: Are You the Victim of Manipulated Emissions Tests?

Have you ever bought a car, confident that you were making an environmentally responsible choice? Were you told that your diesel car met the strictest emission standards, only to discover later that the car manufacturers manipulated the test results? If so, you are not alone. In a revealing series of [...]
October 28, 2023

Have you ever bought a car, confident that you were making an environmentally responsible choice? Were you told that your diesel car met the strictest emission standards, only to discover later that the car manufacturers manipulated the test results? If so, you are not alone.

In a revealing series of revelations, investigators have discovered that several car manufacturers have manipulated the emission figures of their diesel cars to meet emission standards. In reality, these vehicles emit far more pollutants than allowed, despite the appearance of compliance with standards.

What does this mean for you as a diesel car owner?

These manipulations have made diesel cars worth less and harder to sell. As an owner, you have basically paid too much for a car that does not perform as promised.

Fortunately, there is something you can do. You are entitled to compensation because of the manufacturer's manipulation. But how do you know if you qualify?

Am I eligible for compensation?

You are eligible if you meet the following criteria:

  • You own, or once owned, a diesel car of the following makes: Renault, Opel, Peugeot, Citroën, Mercedes, Dacia, DS.
  • You lease or have leased a diesel car of these brands.
  • Your diesel car was built between September 2009 and September 2019.
  • Your diesel car was sold in the Netherlands, imported into the Netherlands and/or registered in the Netherlands with the RDW during the relevant period;
  • You make an application for compensation.

Clearly, many people have been affected by this scandal. The question now is, how do you claim compensation?

How can I claim compensation?

The process of claiming compensation is easier than you might think. Go to Here you will find all the information you need to submit your claim.

You will be asked to provide supporting documents, such as ownership documents or lease contracts proving that you bought or leased one of the diesel cars in question within the specified period.

Soon you will be able to claim the amount you overpaid for a car that did not meet promised emission standards.

So if you have ever bought a diesel car confident that it met emissions standards, don't be discouraged by the car manufacturers' manipulation. Claim your diesel car compensation and make your voice heard!

Take back control of your situation and make sure you get what you are entitled to. It is high time the car manufacturers involved in this manipulation of emissions tests were held accountable.

Why is it important to take action?

As a consumer, it is important to claim your right to compensation, not only for yourself, but also to show that companies cannot break the rules with impunity. This goes beyond just getting your money back; it is also about the principle of fairness and responsibility. Car manufacturers who use fraudulent practices should understand that their customers are not blind to this and that there are consequences for such actions.

It is also important to stress that this kind of behaviour is harmful to all of us. It contributes to environmental pollution and climate change, which we are all trying to fight.

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